Table of Contents:
- Student Employment Philosophy
- Types Of Student Employment
- Eligibility For Student Employment On Campus
- Application For Student Employment On Campus
- Finding A Job
- Work Regulations
- Vehicle Use
- Guidelines For Completing Time Sheets
- Wage Rate / Tracking Hours
- Resignation/Termination Policies
- Summer Employment
- Facts About Federal Student Employment
- Available Funds
- Injuries On The Job
- International Employees
- Notice of Nondiscrimination
- Compliance With Disability Legislation
Student Employment Philosophy
Student employment is not only an important source of financial assistance to students, it is also positively related to student academic success. This work experience is a vital and significant factor in preparing students for a future career. An essential knowledge of work ethics is gained through student employment.
Rochester Community and Technical College’s commitment to educating students is advanced through student employment. Necessary services in the operation of the college are provided through this program.
Types Of Student Employment
Student employment is provided through two sources of funding:
The Federal (FWS) and MN State Student Employment (SWS) Programs are federally and state funded programs for students who demonstrate financial need. Jobs are available both on and off campus.
Student Help (SH) student employees are paid entirely through unsubsidized college funds. These funds are limited and will be allocated through approval from the administrative council members.
Eligibility For Student Employment
A student must:
- not be classified as a high school student; however, high school students can be employed with SH funds.
- be enrolled for a minimum of 6 credits; 1 credit if on Student Help
- be eligible to work in the United States.
- not be in default on any student loan or owe a repayment of any Title IV monies.
- maintain satisfactory academic progress as outlined by Rochester Community and Technical College regulations.
- meet the following application procedures.
- adhere to additional guidelines if the student is on SH funds.
Application For Student Employment
Students seeking employment should contact the Financial Aid Office.
All students interested in working MUST apply for financial aid by completing the current Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
- Students must complete their Financial Aid File in the Financial Aid Office.
- The amount of need demonstrated by the Student Aid Report will determine if a student has eligibility for either the FWS or SWS Program.
Students must complete and submit the following forms to the Financial Aid Office before they begin working:
- Employees must present one selection from List A or a combination of one selection from List B and one selection from List C from the list of acceptable documents for Employment Eligibility Verification form I-9. Original signed forms of the documents are required-List of Acceptable Unexpired Identity Documents
- Federal and State W-4 form
- Work Study agreement between supervisor, student, and the Financial Aid Office
- Signed statement that student read handbook
This data will be collected for employment purposes. This information is required in order to place you on the student payroll. These items will be kept in the Financial Aid Office
Finding A Job
After making arrangements for an interview, the student should take the Student Employee Work Agreement to the interview. This agreement will indicate the authorized award amount the student may earn during the period of eligibility.
When a student is hired, the supervisor will sign the Student Employee Work Agreement and the student is to return it to the Financial Aid Office. If the student is not hired, the student should continue to view open positions online via the website: Student Workstudy Employment.
Work Regulations
The following regulations apply to all student employees:
While classes are in session student employees can work up to 20 hours per week. Other rules may apply when classes are not in session.
Designated job duties must be performed following the assigned departmental procedures in a satisfactory manner.
Student employees are expected to work the hours and times as agreed upon with their supervisor. Student employees should notify their supervisor immediately if they are unable to report to work due to illness, bad weather, etc.
Personal use of the telephone is discouraged, except for emergencies. Personal contacts should be limited to break time.
Work study employees shall be granted a 15 minute paid rest period during each 4 hours of regularly scheduled work.
A student who is working an 8 consecutive hour shift will need to take an unpaid lunch period of no less than 30 minutes near the midpoint of each work shift. Students will clock out for lunch and extended breaks.
A student may not be paid for receiving instruction in a classroom, laboratory, or other academic setting and receive college credit.
Supervisors may not accept voluntary services from any student employee. Students must be paid for all hours worked.
Student employees should be supervised by a college employee at all times. Students are allowed to work from home with permission from area Supervisor, Lead Worker and Dean of the area.
Vehicle Use
Students who drive any state, 易胜博 or personal vehicle where reimbursement is requested, as a Work Study, or for any Academic Department, Club or Association for any College related business or activities needs to have a:
- Vehicle Use Agreement on file in the Business Office.
- A MnSCU Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) check completed verifying an eligibility to drive.
- A Supervisors signature on the Vehicle Use Agreement verifying a students potential need to drive
Student or the student’s supervisor cannot make a vehicle reservation for the student to drive until a Vehicle Use Agreement and MVR check has been processed through MnSCU indicating an approved driving status.
Submit the completed Vehicle Use agreement to Wanda Mettes – Business Office (SS150-158) or routed to mail Box 9.
Guidelines For Completing Time Sheets
Time sheets cover 2 weeks, beginning on Wednesday and ending on Tuesday. Students will use eTime to record hours. eTime can be found on Student eServices under the Student Employment Enter Time Worked link. Payments are based on the number of hours worked.
Students are responsible for keeping an accurate daily record of hours worked on Student eTime.
The time sheet must be electronically signed by both the student and the supervisor by 4:30 on the Wednesday after the pay period ends unless otherwise instructed.
Hours submitted after the due date will be processed during the next pay period.
If a student employee believes an error has been made in his/her check, the supervisor and/or the Financial Aid Office should be contacted. Students should retain check stubs for monitoring total wages earned.
Pay Dates are bi-weekly. Payroll disbursements go through the student employees selected payroll preference with BankMobile.
易胜博 reserves the right to apply payroll checks to any unpaid charges. These charges may include but are not limited to: tuition, fees, textbook charges, application fees, parking fines, library fines, special course fees and late fees.
Wage Rate / Tracking Hours
The Student Employment Program complies with the federally established minimum wage rate. Rate of pay shall begin at $13.00 per hour (as of 08/22/2022). The maximum base wage is $14.00. After 200 hours and based on a performance evaluation student’s may receive an increase, up to $0.50 per hour. The raise is contingent on the outcome of the performance evaluation completed by the Student Employment Supervisor.
Student workers are responsible for keeping track of their total hours worked and notifying the Financial Aid Office when they have reached the 200-hour level.
易胜博 reserves the right to alter the starting wage rate based on job responsibilities.
Resignation / Termination Policies
Student employees are considered at will employees and every attempt will be made to find another suitable position for the student. If the end result is termination the student should be referred to the Financial Aid Office to ensure all exit procedures are followed.
Student employees wishing to resign from their campus jobs and remain in good standing should notify their supervisor and the Financial Aid office. A 2 week notice is preferred. Students who resign from their jobs in good standing will be eligible for rehire. In the case of supervisor-initiated termination, the supervisor should adhere to the following procedure:
Serious effort should be made by the supervisor to improve the performance of the student before termination becomes necessary.
A minimum of one conference and one written warning notice should be given to the student.
Termination of a student employee initiated by the department supervisor may be for any of the following reasons:
- Completed job (no need for subsequent work).
- Excessive absenteeism or tardiness.
- Absenteeism or tardiness without notifying supervisor.
- Failure to work assigned schedule.
- Alterations of time sheets or theft.
- Unsatisfactory job performance.
- Other inappropriate student conduct.
The supervisor should notify the student employee in writing indicating the reason for termination and the effective termination date.
Supervisors may report student employee infractions to the Financial Aid Office for determination.
Supervisors may recommend to the Financial Aid Office immediate employment termination if the employee impairs the operation of the college, forges a supervisor’s signature, or is suspected of altering timesheet hours or theft.
Student grievance procedures as outlined in the student handbook should be followed to resolve any grievances.
Summer Employment
Students enrolled for less than 6 credits hours, or who are not enrolled for summer, are eligible for student employment only if documentation of their fall enrollment status is provided. Documentation means an 易胜博 application must be on file in the Admissions & Records Office, proof of pre-registration or a letter of intent to return to 易胜博 must be presented, and an accepted student employment award for the upcoming academic year must be on file.
These students may begin work on or after July 1.
Facts About Federal Student Employment
Federal funds allow the college to employ additional students, thereby creating additional jobs.
The same jobs are available to students participating in the SWS Program or the SH Program.
All employed students will be awarded a given amount of money which they will be allowed to earn during the school year. Supervisors will be informed of this amount. A student cannot earn over this amount and will be asked to stop working when the level is reached. There exists a probability that the maximum earnings will be altered during the course of the year by the receipt of new grants or scholarships originally unknown at the time of initial calculation or because estimates for State and Pell Grants were used. The Financial Aid Office makes award re-evaluations.
Available Funds
The number of students employed is contingent on the availability of student employment funding. Every attempt will be made to notify students as far in advance as possible if funds have been reduced.
At the end of the term, any remaining funds will be forfeited.
Injuries On The Job
Report any on the job injuries immediately to your supervisor. You and your supervisor will need to complete an incident report. Incident reports can be obtained from the Institutional Services Office.
If the injury requires medical services and/or lost time from work, the Human Resources Office must be notified and all necessary paperwork completed within 5 working days of the incident.
International Employees
International employees have various other regulations that must be followed. Please refer to the International Student Employment Work Agreement Packet or see the Financial Aid Office.
*Notice Of Nondiscrimination / Sexual Harassment
Rochester Community and Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, handicap, age, gender, sexual orientation or marital status in admission to and participation in its educational programs, college activities and services, or in its employment policies.
For allegations of discrimination, harassment or violence, contact the College’s designated harassment office: Human Resources, Room CF116 (507) 285-7183.
*Compliance With Disability Legislation
The college will provide reasonable accommodations within the provisions set down in section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Disability Support Services is located at SS168. Contact Travis Kromminga at 507.280-2968.
Information contained in this publication will be made available, upon request, in an alternative format such as large print or audio tape.
*For more information on these official policies please refer to the student handbook.
The information in this handbook is subject to change without prior notice or obligation.
Rochester Community and Technical College
Financial Aid Office
851 30th Avenue Southeast
Rochester, MN 55904Phone: 1-800-247-1296 or 507-285-7271
Fax: 507-280-3532
Email: financialaid@xsdvoip.com易胜博 is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Educator